Jacqueline Leong Yu image
I am a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and certified mindfulness teacher. I have 16 years of experience working with children, youth, adults, parents, couples, and families. Before my private practice, I had worked in MINDEF, SAF, MOE, MSF, mainstream and special needs schools, and SSAs.

I journey with clients who experience challenges coping with life demands, relationships, mental health, special needs, social and emotional issues, school related challenges, etc. In addition to therapy, I am also experienced in facilitating groups and conducting training/talks in corporate, educational and correctional settings. I supervise counsellors, interns in master's degree and graduate diplomas.

My work is inspired and influenced by Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson M.D., Chin-Yen Chen Ph.D., John Banmen Ph.D., Jeffrey Zeig Ph.D., and Jon Kabat Zinn Ph.D. I utilize approaches relevant to the clients' states and needs during therapy.

Professional Profile
Master in Counselling (CBT) - Monash University, Australia
Bachelor in Arts (Psychology & Statistics) - National University of Singapore
Diploma in Holistic Counselling – Sophia College of Counselling, Australia
Certified Reality Therapist – The William Glasser Institute, USA
Accredited Triple P (Parenting) Provider – The University of Queensland, Australia
Special Needs Support – National Institute of Education, Singapore
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy – The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, USA
Satir Systemic Brief Therapy (Family Therapy) – Satir Institute of the Pacific, Canada
Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, USA
Certified T-JTA (Couples) Administer – Choice Makers Consultancy, Singapore
Emotional Freedom Techniques – Official EFT, USA
Solution Oriented Counselling – The Centre of Effective Therapy, Australia
Trauma- Informed Care for Professionals Working with Youth - Center for Adolescent Studies, USA
Introductory to Psychotherapy - Graduate School of Medical Studies, National University of Singapore

Attained Basic Level of Psychotherapy 
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for adolescents

Other Therapies
Original Play - International Foundation for Original Play, Poland
Brain Gym - Brain Gym International, USA
Gentle Bio-Energetics - Gentle Bio-Energetics Institute, USA

Clinical Supervision
The Self Awareness Supervision Model (SASM) - National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Training CBT Supervisors - Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, USA

CFM Qualified MBSR Teacher - Center for Mindfulness (CFM) in University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Trained to teach paw .b mindfulness curriculum - Mindfulness in School Project (MiSP, UK)
Trained to teach .b mindfulness curriculum - Mindfulness in School Project (MiSP, UK)
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Teacher Training – Oxford Mindfulness Centre, Oxford University
Mindful Self-Compassion - Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, USA
MBSR Group Supervision & Advisement - Brown University School of Public Health, Mindfulness Center, USA
Mindful Listening, Mindful Speaking - Brown University School of Public Health, Mindfulness Center, USA
Mindfulness Fundamentals – Mindful Schools, USA
Mindful Educator Essentials – Mindful Schools, USA
Mindful Communication - Mindful Schools , USA

Part-Time Lecturer/Field Supervisor - National Institute of Education 
Clinical Supervisor - Monash University   
WSQ Trainer - WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP)
Adult Educator - Social Service Institute
Registered Instructor - Ministry of Education

"Friends of Chua Chu Kang Secondary School" Award
Distinguished Partner Award - Woodlands Secondary School
Outstanding Contribution Award (Individual) - Ministry of Education
Exemplary Service Award (3 consecutive years) - SAF Counselling Centre , Ministry of Defence
The Mind & Mindfulness Symposium Speaker - The Institute of Mind Humanities , Wonkwang University (Korea) &
Dot Connections Growth Centre (Singapore)
Tan, A. G., Liau, A. K., Teoh, L. S., Tan, S., Chou, C. C., & Yu, Jacqueline. L. (2008). Adolescents’ perceived decisional balance, task specific efficacy and stages of change in early computer gaming behavior. The Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving
Expert Reviewer for Instrument(s) Validation (PhD candidature) - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Mindfulness Trainer for mindfulness research - Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore